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Terms and conditions dog school human dog!

1 registration

Please register in writing using the registration form, by post or by e-mail, stating  of your name, address, telephone number, e-mail and the name, breed, sex, neutered or not neutered and age of the dog . We will then check whether you have registered for the course that suits you and whether there is still a place available in the course in question. You will then receive a confirmation from us with the bank details and the requirements for you (e.g. vaccination card, etc.), which means that you are bindingly registered. Your place on the course is secured as soon as the participation fee has been received.

2 Cancellations

If the participant cancels 3 weeks or more before the start of the course (inbox), we will charge you the full  course fee. Cancellations must be submitted by email or post. In the event of non-participation (without prior cancellation or cancellation), the full course fee will also be charged. Substitutes are of course permitted provided they meet the requirement profile of the respective course.

3 course fees

Please refer to the course program for course fees. The course fees must be transferred no later than 3 weeks before the start of the course. An invoice will be issued to you on request. Partial participation does not entitle you to a reduction in fees. If you register at short notice (from 3 weeks before the start of the course), please note the information in the confirmation.

4 number of participants

The number of participants is limited for didactic and spatial reasons. Registrations will be considered in the order in which they are received. We reserve the right to cancel or change courses at short notice due to insufficient number of participants (less than 4 participants) or unforeseen reasons (e.g. illness of the trainer(s), etc.). You will be notified immediately. We will then offer you an alternative date if possible. If the participant is not offered another appointment within a period of 3 months, he can withdraw from the contract and request a refund of the course fees.

If the number of participants is too low (less than 3 participants), individual appointments can also be cancelled. These appointments are then canceled and cannot be made up for.

5 booking system

For the group courses there is usually the possibility to book eight or ten dates (note the course schedule). 6 dates are reserved for special courses, such as “education course for adult beginners”. The booking of ten appointments,   based on the individual appointment, is cheaper. If you decide on eight dates,  you can also book a possible ninth or tenth lesson at a later date at the price of a single participation. The validity of the booked dates is limited to the duration of the course. If you do not have the paid number of appointments after the end of the course, the remaining course hours will be omitted. There is no right to set-off or reimbursement.


II          Einzelunterricht/Therapiestunden

1 dates

We will arrange appointments with you for individual lessons and therapy sessions. If you are unable to keep an appointment, please let us know at least 24 hours before the start of the appointment. Appointments that are canceled later or not at all must be paid for in full.

3 payment

The therapy hours and the individual lessons are paid for at the latest at the respective appointment. Payment can be made in cash or by bank transfer in advance. The multiple tickets are cheaper and must be paid for in advance in cash or by bank transfer.



III      liability

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