Address :
241 rue de Rollingergrund
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Strengthening the human-dog bond
A family dog that is ready for everyday life and can accompany its owner everywhere in a relaxed manner? Whether it's a visit to a restaurant, a trip to the city or a ride on the train? Then you are totally right with the offer for advanced!
In the advanced course everything revolves around the topics "obedience" and "mastering everyday situations".
The goal of the course is to deepen the knowledge already learned in the basic training and to be able to recall it in difficult situations. For this purpose the course usually takes place in different public places with a lot of distraction:
- Leash leadership - despite distractions
- Realistic dog encounters
- Staying calm - despite outside stimuli
- Impulse control
- Attention - orientation to humans
Human-dog teams that have successfully completed the basic course can participate in the advanced groups.
A lateral entry is only possible after consultation.
Advanced course
Human-dog communication
Recall of signals under distraction by environmental factors
Consolidation of leash leadership
Reel encounter training
Impulse control and frustration tolerance with increasing distractions
Strengthening the recall command
Stay under distraction
Free following - working off leash
Relaxation training with environmental stimuli
Signals at a distance and from movement
Advanced course